Interested in joining WE ~ ECO?
Jacksonville is a fantastic location to explore coastal and wetland ecology, and WE ~ ECO collaborates on projects with scientists around the world, with especially strong connections to southeast Louisiana and the San Francisco Bay-Delta in California. UNF is located near the coast and the Coastal and Marine Biology Program is effectively resourced with vehicles, vessels, greenhouse space, and strong ties to regional partners. Potential collaborators (undergraduate, MS, or post-doc) are encouraged to look around at past and current projects to get a sense of the types of projects we take on. That being said, we are open to and easily excited by new ideas. If interested in joining WE ~ ECO, please email Dr. Jones (scott.jones {at} your research interests and a short CV (undergraduates can omit CV). This will start the conversation on space and funding availability and what the next steps may be to work together. |